Program Listing for File main.cpp¶
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#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include "path_planning/a_star.hpp"
#include "path_planning/ant_colony.hpp"
#include "path_planning/d_star_lite.hpp"
#include "path_planning/dijkstra.hpp"
#include "path_planning/genetic_algorithm.hpp"
#include "path_planning/jump_point_search.hpp"
#include "path_planning/lpa_star.hpp"
#include "path_planning/rrt.hpp"
#include "path_planning/rrt_star.hpp"
int main() {
constexpr int n = 21;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> grid(n, std::vector<int>(n, 0));
std::random_device rd; // obtain a random number from hardware
std::mt19937 eng(rd()); // seed the generator
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distr(0, n - 1); // define the range
Node start(distr(eng), distr(eng), 0, 0, 0, 0);
Node goal(distr(eng), distr(eng), 0, 0, 0, 0);
start.id_ = start.x_ * n + start.y_;
start.pid_ = start.x_ * n + start.y_;
goal.id_ = goal.x_ * n + goal.y_;
start.h_cost_ = abs(start.x_ - goal.x_) + abs(start.y_ - goal.y_);
// Make sure start and goal are not obstacles and their ids are correctly
// assigned.
grid[start.x_][start.y_] = 0;
grid[goal.x_][goal.y_] = 0;
// Store points after algorithm has run
std::vector<std::vector<int>> main_grid = grid;
// Variables for RRT and RRTStar
constexpr double threshold = 2;
constexpr int max_iter_x_factor = 20;
// Variables for Ant Colony Optimization
constexpr int n_ants = 10;
constexpr int iterations = 50;
constexpr double alpha = 1;
constexpr double beta = 0.7;
constexpr double evap_rate = 0.3;
constexpr double Q = 10;
// Variables for Genetic Algorithm
constexpr int generations = 10000;
constexpr int popsize = 30;
constexpr double c = 1.05;
constexpr bool shorten_chromosome = true;
constexpr int path_length_x_factor = 4;
// Resetting grid
// Create object for the algorithm
// Run algorithm
// Print the final grid using the path_vector
// clang-format off
std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n'
<< "--------------------- ALGORITHM: DIJKSTRA ---------------------" << '\n'
<< "--------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n';
// clang-format on
grid = main_grid;
Dijkstra dijkstra(grid);
const auto [path_found, path_vector] = dijkstra.Plan(start, goal);
PrintPath(path_vector, start, goal, grid);
// clang-format off
std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------------" << '\n'
<< "--------------------- ALGORITHM: A* ---------------------" << '\n'
<< "--------------------------------------------------------" << '\n';
// clang-format on
grid = main_grid;
AStar a_star(grid);
const auto [path_found, path_vector] = a_star.Plan(start, goal);
PrintPath(path_vector, start, goal, grid);
// clang-format off
std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n';
std::cout << "--------------------- ALGORITHM: Jump Point Search ---------------------" << '\n';
std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n';
// clang-format on
grid = main_grid;
JumpPointSearch jump_point_search(grid);
const auto [path_found, path_vector] = jump_point_search.Plan(start, goal);
PrintPath(path_vector, start, goal, grid);
// clang-format off
std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n'
<< "--------------------- ALGORITHM: Lifelong Planning A* ---------------------" << '\n'
<< "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n';
// clang-format on
grid = main_grid;
LPAStar lpa_star(grid);
const auto [path_found, path_vector] = lpa_star.Plan(start, goal);
PrintPath(path_vector, start, goal, grid);
// NOTE: The PrintPath function will not be to show the updated grid for the
// live run of LPA* including obstacles discovered during execution.
// clang-format off
std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------" << '\n'
<< "--------------------- ALGORITHM: RRT ---------------------" << '\n'
<< "---------------------------------------------------------" << '\n';
// clang-format on
grid = main_grid;
RRT rrt(grid);
rrt.SetParams(threshold, max_iter_x_factor);
const auto [path_found, path_vector] = rrt.Plan(start, goal);
PrintPath(path_vector, start, goal, grid);
// clang-format off
std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------------" << '\n';
std::cout << "--------------------- ALGORITHM: RRT* ---------------------" << '\n';
std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------------" << '\n';
// clang-format on
grid = main_grid;
RRTStar rrt_star(grid);
rrt_star.SetParams(threshold, max_iter_x_factor);
const auto [path_found, path_vector] = rrt_star.Plan(start, goal);
PrintPath(path_vector, start, goal, grid);
// clang-format off
std::cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n'
<< "--------------------- ALGORITHM: D* Lite ---------------------" << '\n'
<< "-------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n';
// clang-format on
grid = main_grid;
DStarLite d_star_lite(grid);
const auto [path_found, path_vector] = d_star_lite.Plan(start, goal);
PrintPath(path_vector, start, goal, grid);
// NOTE: The PrintPath function will not be to show the updated grid for the
// live run of D* Lite including obstacles discovered during execution.
// clang-format off
std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n'
<< "--------------------- ALGORITHM: Ant Colony Optimization ---------------------" << '\n'
<< "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n';
// clang-format on
grid = main_grid;
AntColony ant_colony(grid);
ant_colony.SetParams(n_ants, alpha, beta, evap_rate, iterations, Q);
const auto [path_found, path_vector] = ant_colony.Plan(start, goal);
PrintPath(path_vector, start, goal, grid);
// clang-format off
std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n'
<< "--------------------- ALGORITHM: Genetic Algorithm ---------------------" << '\n'
<< "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" << '\n';
// clang-format on
grid = main_grid;
GeneticAlgorithm genetic_algorithm(grid);
genetic_algorithm.SetParams(generations, popsize, c, shorten_chromosome,
static_cast<int>(path_length_x_factor * start.h_cost_));
const auto [path_found, path_vector] = genetic_algorithm.Plan(start, goal);
PrintPath(path_vector, start, goal, grid);
return 0;